I have developed a chart to show the connection between the Use Your Math Power picture books and the math content standards and practice standards. In each UYMP book, students work on a problem that addresses two or more of the content standards at first and second grade and engage in ways that model most of the practice standards. One of the books addresses one of the content standards for kindergarten.
I hope this chart uymp-standards-match-document-11-10-16 will be helpful. Two of the pages at the end of each book examine how the practice standards appear in that book. They look like this:
Those are also attached here for your use!
Hatching Butterflies and the Standards of Mathematical Practice: butterflies-smps
Monkeys for the Zoo and the Standards of Mathematical Practice: uymp-monkeys_-smps
Penguins on Parade and the Standards of Mathematical Practice: penguins_-smps